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St Patrick's Primary School Eskra

News - Year 3/4

2017/2018 School Year

31st Jan 2018
As part of Catholic Schools Week we celebrated our Grandparents.  We invited...
27th Oct 2017
The children and staff get into the spirit of Hallowe'en by dressing up.  We...
2nd Oct 2017
We are delighted to introduce our new Head Girl and Head Boy.  They have...
1st Oct 2017
Our prefects have taken up their posts and are really enjoying their new role in...

2016/2017 School Year

15th May 2017
Mrs. McCallan organised for a Specialised Nurse to come into school to talk to us...
11th Apr 2017
One of our Parishioners celebrated a very special birthday recently - Mrs....
1st Feb 2017
As part of Catholic Schools Week we invited our Grandparents into school for afternoon...
5th Jan 2017
Our Winter Topic is the Artic and Antartic.  We explored the animals and their...

2015/2016 School Year

10th Jun 2016
This is our favourite time of year.   Planting vegetables in our newly...

2014/2015 School Year

1st Oct 2014
Some Year 3/4 children browsing in the Book Corner.