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St Patrick's Primary School Eskra

🥕🥦Evil Pea up to no good! 🥦🥕

4th Oct 2023

We have started to read the story, Supertato and in it we found out about lots of healthy veggies we can eat but also about a character called Evil Pea. Then today, just before our Forest School session we received a cryptic message, saying that someone who had an evil laugh and who was small and green had captured all our veggies and trapped them!  We knew right away who the culprit was… that Evil Pea from our story! So we set off on the hunt for that Pea, and on the way came across all the veggies he had trapped! We freed them and got them to safety but we decided we should hatch a plan of our own… to capture that Evil Pea, once and for all! So in groups we created traps of all sorts, hoping to finally trap him. Supertato was unavailable, so we took matters into our own hands. We had levers, camouflage, nets, cosy caves to lure him in… then all we had to do was wait. We had one sighting of the Evil Pea, but he vanished so quickly again… let’s hope our traps work, or else that Evil Pea could return to reek more havoc another day! 🙈🥦🫛🥕