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St Patrick's Primary School Eskra

Year 1 and 2 Outdoor Learning Day!

9th Nov 2020

The children in Year 1 and 2 had so much fun celebrating Outdoor Learning Day on Thursday 5th November!

In class we are learning all about autumn and enjoying finding out what happens to the trees in autumn.

We are so lucky to have such beautiful school grounds, surrounded by many signs of autumn, which we have been using as many starting points for our class discussions.

So out we all headed, wrapped up and ready to have some fun!

The Year 2 children enjoyed making their 'leaf wands' and Year 2 enjoyed developing their writing and number skills when they were 'rock writing' and making 'rock sums' and they also made some beautiful 'leaf pictures'!

We finished off our morning of fun and learning with a lovely autumn walk over to the chapel grounds to listen to the "crunch crunch" of the leaves as we walked and stamped our feet on the autumnal blanket of beautiful autumn leaves on the ground. The children all worked together to make a 'leaf shower'! - They all had so much fun - a lovely way to finish off our wonderful day of learning Outdoors!