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St Patrick's Primary School Eskra

News - Year 6/7

12th Oct 2023
Our children have been fantastic every single child has gave 100% and are throughly...
12th Oct 2023
Years 5, 6 and 7 had a great time during their Nature Rangers session this week!...
6th Oct 2023
This week during our Forest School lesson, we were thinking about the different species...
5th Oct 2023
This week at our Nature Rangers club we were making dens. At the start we discussed...
29th Sep 2023
The Year 6 and 7 children have completed their second session of Playground Buddy...
29th Sep 2023
Year 6 and 7 were busy celebrating European Languages this week. Linking with our...
29th Sep 2023
This week in Forest School we were catching worms!๐Ÿชฑ Using a plastic bottle, black...
28th Sep 2023
In our first Nature Rangers session we were creating a plan of our school using whatever...
21st Sep 2023
Our School Council representatives for our school year 2023-2024. A School Council...
20th Sep 2023
The children in Year 6/7 had their first Playground Buddy Training today. Mrs. Mullin...