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St Patrick's Primary School Eskra

News - Year 5/6

2018/2019 School Year

10th Apr 2019
On Wednesday, 3rd April, 2019, we celebrated Master Stephen Colton's Retirement. ...
29th Mar 2019
Our Year 5,6 and 7 children participated in the Carmen Runners' Primary Schools...
25th Mar 2019
The children had their final Art Club on Monday, where they created some Mother's...
25th Feb 2019
The children attending the Arts and Crafts Club, sketched their own self portraits...
15th Feb 2019
P.6 and P.7 children sported their running gear for another Cross Country...
11th Feb 2019
Mrs. Barrett is now taking an Arts and Crafts class with KS2 on Monday afternoons...
29th Jan 2019
Today our Grandparents were invited into school for Afternoon Tea.  We all...
23rd Nov 2018
Year 5 and 6 learnt about watercolour artist, Paul Klee.  They then recreated...
5th Nov 2018
Today we had our first School Council Meeting of this school year.  During...
26th Oct 2018
We all dressed up for Halloween.  Thank you to all our parents for providing...